Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Photographs taken by visitors to the National Parrot Zoo/Sanctuary

Would you want YOUR bird eating from this tray of food, left on the floor for rats and mice to run all over, sharing the food, urinating and passing on disease?

Here is one of the rodent aviary mates (a baby rat) which are a common sight according to visitors. Sadly, the Parrots seem to be quite unpeturbed by presence of this drinking partner which perhaps indicates they are well accustomed to them.

This is the Grey Aviary at the NPZ/S. Please remember that these are invariably human imprinted PET birds, who have only ever known a life living indoors with warmth and the human interaction they have been raised from birth to crave. They are NOT Zoo creatures. Would you condemn a rehomed pet cat or dog to live out their life like this... Housed in outdoor enclosures with hundreds of others in a survival of the fittest environment?

This poor little soul must wonder what he ever did to deserve being sent here. Is that a dead rat alongside him?

This Cockatoo looks severely underweight. Perhaps a likely outcome in a large group where the more timid individuals will be low in the pecking order at feeding time.

Is there any responsible Parrot owner who is unaware of the risks posed by feeding their bird peanuts? Peanuts are sold to visitors to feed the birds and judging from the debris in the aviaries, form a large part of their diet.

This Timneh Grey is clearly sick. Is an outside aviary, on show to the public really where he should be?

A picture speaks a thousand words :((

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